Wednesday, April 14, 2010

9th graders ONLY!/African American History

Must make up all work!!
Must have read chapters 2 & 3 and completed all key terms and guided reading questions....
April 13th-Image of Transatlantic Economy Presentations
April 14th-Transatlantic Economy Mini-maps
April 15th-Transatlantic Economy Chart-making

10th grade

Must make this up if absent!!!

How did Change and Conflict in The West impact America?

Other Focus Questions:

What opportunities and conflicts emerged as Americans moved westward?

What was the purpose for migration?

What hardships were faced in the west?

What was life like out west?

Presentations Due: April 13th, 2010


* Students will analyze primary and secondary sources to gain an understanding of what opportunities and conflicts emerged as Americans moved westward in the 19th Century.

* Students will make presentations of “How change and conflict in The West impacted America


§ Answer “How change and conflict in The West impacted America”

By creating a visual and auditory presentation

§ Must incorporate all of the readings into your presentation

§ All members must read all of the documents and do the corresponding assignments; quizzes, answering comprehension questions, essays, etc.

§ Each part of the presentation must be typed in 12-point font Times New Roman

Divide the tasks among your group of 3:

Role # 1-Analyzer of Past

Role # 2-Poet Presenter

Role # 3-Visual Depictor

Role # 1-Analyzer of Past

· Focus on the underlying issues of all of the source documents, then create a written presentation that explains what type of changes and conflicts did the people in your category experience in The West and how did those experiences impact America

· Once you have completed your portion of the project make sure you and your partners agree

Role # 2-Poet /Rapper/Singer Presenter

· Select words and phrases that contain poetic effects such as alliteration and consonance.

· Analyze the source document(s) for understanding and retell the same story in poetic form.

· Once you have selected your words and phrases, then combine, arrange, and rearrange until you and your partners agree with the lyrics of your rap

Role # 3-Visual Editor

• Focus on descriptive techniques by selecting words that bring vivid images to mind and then translate them into a visual presentation thru posters. Can draw, cut out magazines and create a collage, etc.

· Retell the story of your documents in visual form, keeping in mind the essential focus questions.

Get the documents from class if you are doing this as makeup work!

How did Change and Conflict in The West impact America?

Choose a category and reward yourself with the gift of sharing your newfound knowledge! Presentations and paperwork are due on April 13th, 2010.

Using primary source documents and other related readings; you will present how change and conflict in The West impacted America. Answer the Document Analysis Questions for your respective section (Your answers will help your presentation).




49ers to all Miners

Background Readings

(Already read 12.2)

Homesteading Whites

And Frontier Plights

Background Readings

(Already read “The Homestead Act” in class)

Native American Treaties and Plans

To Custer’s Last Stand

Background Readings

(Already read 12.4)

1.Miners in Search of the Big Strike

2. An American Officer describes the Beginning of the California Gold Rush in 1848

1. “Vote Yourself a Farm

A Texan Scorn Futile Charity

2. Buchanan kills a Homestead Bill

1.The U.S. Army Negotiates a Treaty w/the Sioux (1868)

2.Harper’s Weekly Decries the Battle of Little Big Horn (1876)